Former Egg Donor Undergoing IVF

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Recovery: 1 Week Post 3rd Retrieval

It's been a week since retrieval. I stopped having cramps a couple days after the donation. Right now I am waiting to see if my intended parents will get pregnant via my egg donation. If a pregnancy results,a fourth couple is wanting to use me as well.

If you have been reading my blog through all three of my donations, you might remember that my appetite increases while on synthetic hormones. I become especially bloated right before retrieval. Like I thought, the weight has quickly come off since retrieval and my appetite has returned back to normal.

In another week or so, I should be starting my period. Post-period, it will be safe to have intercourse without the possibility of getting pregnant with multiple babies. I am still young and don't wish to try having children yet with my husband. There are still things we'd like to accomplish before becoming parents. For instance, I was invited to interview at a medical school. My husband is looking for a steady job that will be able to support us through medical school and future children. I've always been one to be financially ready before bringing children into this world. Anyways... I've rambled too much. Until next time!

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