Former Egg Donor Undergoing IVF

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 1: Repronex/Follistim

Where I'm at:
Lupron AM - Day 12
No Birth Control

Tonight, I began Follistim and Repronex (i.e. Menopure). The doctor ordered me to take 10 units of Lupron in the morning, 250 units of Follistim, and one vial of Repronex in the evening. In addition, I was instructed to combine Repronex and Follistim into one vial and inject it

into... my... rear...

I about died when I read the instructions from the nurse via email. I died a second time when I saw the needle!

I cheated on the needle part though... At least for tonight. I took one of my smaller needle overstock from my last cycle, and replaced the needle. I guess that was a bad idea because I ended up with a small bubble on my butt that looked something like this woman's bump on her stomach:

I asked my husband to shoot me in the butt, but I freaked out, and shot myself. It takes a lot of talent to inject yourself in the rear... Just sayin'... I feel a lot better inflicting the pain rather than having someone inflict pain on me. Weird, I know...

Tomorrow, I will have to allow my husband to have some face time with my rear tomorrow (aka: needle in the bum).

We are aiming to retrieve by the second week of December. I am not excited to feel the "water-balloon" feeling in my stomach right before the aspiration. I am also not excited to work with this clinic in ______. They are not as friendly as my last clinic... and the doctor has zero bedside manners. I am told, however, that this doctor is one of the best in their state. In contrast to some of my not-so-excited feelings, I am, however, very excited to see how many eggs they will retrieve this time, and if my recipients will get pregnant like my first couple did!
This cycle, they are doing many things different than the first (see above), to see if they can increase my egg count.

Off topic, I talked with my agency director and asked if anyone had been looking at me lately to do another cycle. One family had been looking at me because of my ethnicity, but still no word about a future cycle. I asked my agency to please send a portfolio out to New York. My husband and I are dying to visit such an exciting place for our next cycle!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Egg donation is an option for women unable to produce an egg and become pregnant due to age, diminished ovarian reserve, endometriosis or other reasons.

Egg Donor(s)