Former Egg Donor Undergoing IVF

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lupron Injection Day 2

What today looks like:
Day 2 Lupron injection 
Still taking active birth control
I'm moody as heck! 

So I started the Lupron injections again. Next Monday, it's time to pay a visit to my monitoring clinic for blood tests and for a check up... "up there." For the past two cycles, I've used another Doctor. This time, however, I found another monitoring doc closer. I was really nervous to have new hands... 
"up there," but as it turns out, he is incredibly nice. 

I am about a day late starting my period, but I am not too worried. I have been unnaturally cranky the past 48 hours, which means, Aunt Dot is coming to town. 

More news later! 

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