Our tiny six blastocyst embryos are being stored away until transfer, and we can't wait!
Initially, the plan was to transfer the embryos this month, but we decided to hold off until June. We decided that if we could "schedule" pregnancy, I would want to be at my "biggest" during pregnancy during winter and deliver AFTER flu season. If we transferred in June, a baby would come around March- after the peak of influenza season. This is important for me, given I work with sick patients all the time, being a medical provider. Transferring in June would also give me a chance to lose weight. I want to be at a more healthy weight as this will increase chances of a successful embryo transfer and subsequent pregnancy. We are also very busy at work with one of our medical providers out on FMLA, and I am filling in for her for now. I do not want a busy schedule after my transfer.
I contacted the IVF clinic to let them know of our change of pans, and they were more than accommodating. The plan is to let the nurse know day one of my period in May for an embryo transfer in June. The embryo transfer will take place on June 4th at 11:30AM.
At work, my sick leave and PTO were approved the week of my transfer. I will take the week off to relax, chill and watch Netflix to help my little embryos attach to my uterus. I have already told my work that I do not want to work more than 20 hours weekly after my transfer. I am part time, but have been working longer hours weekly lately, because we are down one provider out on FMLA leave.
I am praying for a successful transfer!